IICB@JIS Kalyani

On 22nd Aug, 2016 ISOC Kolkata Team represented by Anupam Agrawal and Anand Raje reached Kalyani to present the activities and opportunities of engagement in IETF as part of the IICB Program. The host was JIS College of Engineering. This was a pre decided visit and proper coordination efforts were being handled by Priyanka from the JIS group headquarters.

The ISOC team met Dr. Malay Dave and had an interesting discussions on the benefits of participating in standards both for college and students. Also being convinced on the fact this initiative has positive effects of employ ability of the students and upgrade opportunities for faculty, the team was handed over to HOD Computer Science and other HODs to look at the program holistically.

Anupam Presented the overall Program goal, reason for its importance in the current times and also the benefits for the community, to which the computer science HOD responded very positively.

The program started with importance of standards in life and how to participate in the standardization process. Anupam talked in detail about the ways and means of contribution in IETF. Anand took things into directly into the technical dimension and explained how a simple URL uses variety of standards for showing up a website. While the session was on, the team connected with Nalini Elkins and other Indian representatives in IETF meeting happening at Berlin and the students interacted with the actual contributors in IETF.

The students question ranged from hand holding request to understanding the networking protocol in detail. The email id was shared with the group and team left with a very positive energy and enthusiastic students.

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