Archive for the ‘IETF’ Category

IICB@JIS Kalyani

On 22nd Aug, 2016 ISOC Kolkata Team represented by Anupam Agrawal and Anand Raje reached Kalyani to present the activities and opportunities of engagement in IETF as part of the IICB Program. The host was JIS College of Engineering. This was a pre decided visit and proper coordination efforts were being handled by Priyanka from…

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IICB: 2 11th September, 2015: Mallabhum Institute of Technology, Bishnupur was the location of IICB 2 conference. A conference on Indian IETF Capacity Building Programme, ‘IICB2 Mallabhum’ was organized by ISOC, Kolkata Chapter and hosted by the Dept. of CSE of Mallabhum Institute of Technology on 11th September, 2015 at the Mallabhum Institute of Technology…

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IoT &IPv6 ESSENTIAL WORKSHOP   3rd and 4th September, 2015: The main motive of taking up this training session can simply be defined as a step towards making the world we live in today an absolute network area where minute of the minute things are controlled and operated by our command. It can be command…

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IETF – Indian Participation

The Internet we know is primarily defined by the mentioned attributes with an objective of keeping the core working and constant while edge of the network continues to grow. Internet allows for: Different Players at Different Layers Functional Interoperability Voluntary adoption of Technology Bottom Up Innovation Collaboration where needed. In this process standardization plays a…

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